
I like Dell servers

You can say what you want about Dell, but I have to admit that I like their servers! I was able to mount a server in less than 5 minutes thanks to the very simple rackmount rails!
And also the iDRAC management interface is very fancy :)

Published on 2022-04-28, 06:06 +0000

"Imagine" cover by arising music

Great "Imagine" cover by arising music, featuring Lena Thon, a friend of mine (click on the image to watch the video on YouTube):

Imagine Cover 2022 | arising music

Published on 2022-04-17, 09:39 +0000

110 years since the sinking of the Titanic

Today it's been 110 years since the Titanic sank.

I recently discovered this real time animation of the sinking and I like it (click on the image to watch the video on YouTube):

Titanic Sinks REAL TIME

Great work by the people of Titanic: Honor and Glory!

Published on 2022-04-14, 18:26 +0000

Electronic billboard in Bochum: No boot device

Saw an electronic billboard in Bochum, that was not able to boot its operating system (click to view larger version):

No boot device on eletronic billboard

There are two possible explanations for this:

  1. There is a local boot disk like a hard or a flash drive that failed.
  2. The billboard boots using PXE. The billboard could not load its boot image from the central server, possibly because the internet or VPN connection failed.

Published on 2022-04-11, 10:12 +0000

Outlook 365 behaving strangely

After doing a cross-forest migration (see here), the Outlook 365 of one of our users behaved strangely. We faced the following phenomenona:

  • Sent items was empty, although cache mode was enabled and the cache was up-to-date
  • Address auto-complete didn't work
  • Mails got stuck in Outbox, but could be sent by clicking on the Send/receive button (Outlook was configured to send immediately)

Outlook stated that it was connected to Exchange. What made this even more strange was that Outlook didn't always behave like this, mostly after every second start.

I tried several things. I removed all Outlook data from %appdata% and %localappdata%. Didn't work. I removed all Office-related data from the registry. No effect. Quick Repair did nothing. Even Online Repair didn't fix this behaviour.

As a last resort, I used Microsoft's uninstall tool (Office scrub) to completely remove Office and do a fresh installation. And this finally fixed the user's issues. I have no idea what was wrong, but I'm glad I could fix it.

Published on 2022-04-06, 19:54 +0000